AHTF Home Repair Program At A Glance
| To stabilize the residences of low-income homeowners with essential repairs to keep or make their home habitable
Funding Source
| Kentucky Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF)
Eligible Households
| Homeowners with combined household income at or below 60% Area Median Income (AMI) and on-home assets valued at no more than $50,000
Homeowners must have ownership interest in the land and the home to be repaired.
Eligible Properties
| Single-family detached homes or manufactured homes; home must be the homeowner's primary residence
| Anywhere in the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Maximum Assistance
| $15,000 per home
No additional AHTF assistance can go to a home during the five-year deed restriction. Assistance can be paired with other repair, weatherization and energy efficiency programs.
Eligible Repairs
| Repairs that are necessary to bring a home up to KHC's Minimum Habitability Standards. When a household member is disabled, accessibility adaptions are also eligible.
Form and Term of Assistance
| Repairs are grant-secured with a deed restriction for five years.
Eligible Applicants/Sponsors
| Nonprofit agencies and local governments with demonstrated capacity and experience, who are in good standing with both the Commonwealth and KHC, are eligible. Eligible applicants must have at least one full-time employee.
Admin Fee for Applicants/Sponsors
| 7.5 percent of the total cost of repair work (maximum administration fee is $1,125).
This limit does not include labor or construction management costs. The administration fee is separate from the maximum assistance amount. Therefore, the maximum per-property funding is $16,125.
| Before releasing funds and before repair work can begin, KHC must receive property photos and approve a detailed scope of work. Before final reimbursement is made, the home must pass KHC's onsite inspection of completed work.
Any nonprofit interested in applying for the AHTF Home Repair Program should
click here.