HOME TBRA > H​OME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)

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The HOME Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program is a gra​nt program that funds community-based nonprofit organizations, housing non-profit organizations, and local governments (cities and counties) in KHC's service area. To apply for funding, visit the Universal Funding Application (UFA).

The Kentucky Housing Corporation HOME TBRA Policy Manual serves as a reference for KHC's administration of the HOME Investment Partnersh​​ip (HOME) Program.

HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) has the flexibility to create programs that provide assistance to individual households. The most common type of TBRA program provides for payments to make up the difference between what a household can afford to pay for housing and the local rent standard. 

TBRA funds may be used to provide rental assistance to help pay the cost of monthly rent and utility costs, and to pay security deposit assistance to tenants regardless of whether rental and utility subsidies are being provided. Utility deposit assistance may be provided only in conjunction with rental assistance subsidy or security deposit assistance, and cannot be a stand-alone TBRA activity. 

​HOME TBRA funds may be used to pay for reasonable planning and administrative expenses associated with operating a TBRA program. Such expenses are subject to the 10 percent limitation on administrative costs. The KHC HOME TBRA Policy Manual can serve as a reference guide to the program.

For more information on HOME TBRA eligibility and requirements, please visit the HUD Exch​ange or see 24 CFR 92.209.​

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Kentucky Housing Corporation
1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601
502-564-7630; 800-633-8896 (KY only); TTY 711
Equal Housing Provider