$124,297,623 of tax credits invested

685 new multifamily units developed

791 multifamily units rehabilitated

212 helped to purchase, construct, or rehabilitate a single-family home​​​​​​

Partners > Developers > About

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) administers numerous federal and state programs that can be utilized by nonprofit and for-profit housing providers, including builders, developers, and individuals for the development, construction, and rehabilitation of affordable housing. While each resource may have specific qualifying and eligibility criteria, resources can be combined to increase affordability​.

Please note: If you are a home buyer interested in our mortgage products for purchasing a home, please visit our Future Homebuyers page.

​For the production of multifamily properties, funding for development, construction, rehabilitation, and bridge financing is available.​
​​​Single-Family Development
​​Comprehensive approach of addressing homelessness by providing an array of progressive housing programs and services. These programs are designed to coordinate the provisions of emergency, transitional, and permanent supportive housing for homeless people with disabilities, as well as rental assistance and supportive services.​
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© Kentucky Housing Corporation
For more information, please contact:

Kentucky Housing Corporation
1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601
502-564-7630; 800-633-8896 (KY only); TTY 711
Equal Housing Provider