Waivers are exceptions to age, income limits, and unit size eligibility requirements. They are effective tools to combat high vacancy rates. Properties that are experiencing continued vacancy issues should refer to HUD Handbook 4350.3, Chapter 3, for guidance. Along with the written request, copies of exhausted waiting list, proof of advertising during the vacancy period, additional marketing efforts, demographic, and financial documentation should be included. A waiver must be in place for a property to move-in an ineligible applicant.
All requests should be e-mailed to mcorbett@kyhousing.org.
Once the request is received, it is reviewed and a recommendation is forwarded to the HUD Account Executive that has been assigned to oversee your property.
Requests for 202/8 properties must also be reviewed by the HUD Hub office in Atlanta, Georgia. For these properties, the review process can take an extended period of time and the response to the property is submitted from the HUD Hub office.
Due to the extensive review process, all requests should be submitted in advance of the desired move-in date.
We recommend renewal requests be submitted at least one month prior to the expiration.