Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) engages in ongoing strategic planning to guide the Corporation's program activities and ensure meet its public mission. Plans are prepared in accordance with federal regulations, which guide administration and allocation of federal programs and funding. The following are some of the documents that are key to KHC’s ongoing strategic planning:
Consolidated Plan – This plan outlines how KHC will use the federal resources it will administered over the next five years.
Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan – This process is for public housing agencies (PHAs) completing their annual or five-year plans and all applicants who are seeking federal housing funds from an agency that requires the certification.
Fair Housing – The Fair Housing Act provides equal opportunity to all who buy, sell, rent, finance, or insure housing.
Affordable Housing Research and Studies – Data is available from studies collected by KHC and other entities.
Language Access Plan Kentucky - It is the policy of KHC to take reasonable steps in providing meaningful access to its programs and services for persons who are limited in their English proficiency. The procedures within this document apply to all programs and services provided through KHC offices.
Disaster Housing Plan
In the event of a natural disaster, securing housing for a community's residents is an immediate and challenging need. While KHC is generally considered a source for permanent housing, we can also be a valuable resource to the community when an emergency occurs. For more information, please review KHC's Disaster Housing Plan.