Affordable Housing Studies

​​​​​​While providing safe, quality, affordable housing is the mission and top priority for KHC, we have also assumed the role of educating the public about affordable housing issues. We hope the information provided will be useful to you in your research and will aid you in gaining more knowledge about affordable housing.

2018 Kentucky Housing Needs Assessment

The State of Housing in Kentucky 

This March 2012 report includes over 300 pages of updated housing and demographic data for Kentucky including but not limited demographic trends, general housing data, rental and owner-occupied housing data, homeless and special needs population data, economic and industry data and the results of two surveys.  This report was compiled for use by the statewide Housing Policy Advisory Committee to allow for analysis of housing needs throughout the state for the allocation of scarce funding resources.  Data was gathered from numerous sources.

Kentucky's Ten Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness

This plan was developed by the Kentucky Interagency Council on Homelessness and Kentucky Housing Corporation with public input from 12 community forums held across the state.  Governor Fletcher requested the plan be developed in response to President George W. Bush's charge to cities and states across the country to end chronic homelessness in their specific areas.

Kentucky Housing Needs Assessment: Phase I (2001)

This report describes Phase I of a two-part study intended to include roughly the period from 1980 until 2000. Phase I reviews population and housing trends, using census and other data. Because the 2000 census data was not available until 2003, a thorough analysis of trends in the 1990s and circumstances in 2000 could not be completed until Phase II; however, some 2000 census data that had already been released was incorporated.

Kentucky Housing Needs Assessment: Phase II (2004)

This Phase II report updates the earlier report, Kentucky Housing Needs Assessment: Phase I (KHNA:I). The main focus of Phase II is on data from the 2000 Census that were not available when Phase I was completed. In particular, long form data on individual and household characteristics and housing conditions and costs had not yet been released when the Phase I report was completed. It also updated other data series if relevant new information was available.

Kentucky Housing Needs Assessment Data Profiles-County, State and ADD (1.3 MB) | Excel Version (4.1 MB)

The Data Profiles break down the data collected in the study by county, by state and by Area Development District.​

Commonwealth of Kentucky Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing

The Department for Local Government (DLG) and the Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) have two functions within the housing arena. The agencies provide the financial resources for the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing and are tasked with the responsibility of enforcing the fair housing laws of HUD programs and the state law. The agencies provide considerable financial resources for the construction of affordable housing which substantially increases the opportunity for residents of the Commonwealth to exercise their right to fair housing choice. In support of the second responsibility, the agencies have identified some impediments to the exercise of fair housing choice to be addressed in the next five years.

Kentucky Interagency Council on Homelessness

The Kentucky Interagency Council on Homelessness, focuses on collaborative prevention efforts to reduce the number of people who experience homelessness.

2001 Homeless Survey Report

The Institute for Regional Analysis and Public Policy at Morehead State University was commissioned by Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) in the Fall of 2000 to conduct a statewide survey of homeless persons. This study was designed to provide comparable data to the original 1993 Statewide Homeless Survey conducted by the Association of Area Development Districts and Kentucky Housing Corporation.

Community Resource Guide

A listing of programs and agencies committed to providing assistance to the homeless.

1993 Ho​mel​ess Survey

In 1993, a committee conducted a statewide survey of homeless persons. The survey documents the existence and characteristics of rural homelessness and helps increase the understanding of the problems of rural homelessness.​

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For more information, please contact:

Kentucky Housing Corporation
1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601
502-564-7630; 800-633-8896 (KY only); TTY 711
Equal Housing Provider