Partners > Lender Resources > Request KHC Presentations

​​​​​​​​Many Kentuckians dream of owning a home, but they do not know where to begin. Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) can help.

If you are interested in having KHC speak about its programs and services – especially down payment assistance, housing counselors,​ and agencies that work with limited English proficiency (LEP) clients, or ways​ to make homeownership more affordable – contact one of our outreach coordinators today to schedule a joint event.

​​​​Laurent Houekpon
Kay Smith​
502-564-7630, extension​ 273
Melissa Johnson
Melissa Johnson
502-564-7630, extension 347
Laurent Houekpon
Krista McIver
502-564-7630, extension 199

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© Kentucky Housing Corporation
For more information, please contact:

Kentucky Housing Corporation
1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601
502-564-7630; 800-633-8896 (KY only); TTY 711
Equal Housing Provider