Capacity Scorecard Overall Performance Questions | Score / Deduction |
1 | If previous KHC funding was for the construction or rehabilitation of units, were there any issues with construction procedure or quality as defined in KHC program guidelines and standards for construction? |
| a. | Early starts without KHC notification and approval. | -2
| b. | Lease-up, occupancy or sale of units without KHC approval or inspection. | -2
| c. | Continual / Frequent code violations identified during inspections. | -2 |
| d. | Non-emergency (Non -Life Threating or Health and Safety issues) change orders were not submitted or did not receive KHC approval prior to change. | -1 |
| e. | Final product does not match application or final plans and specs as approved by KHC. Including, but not limited to KHC Standards violations resulting in waiver to avoid correction. | -2 |
| f. | Construction oversight deficiencies by developer/owner. | -2 |
| | | |
2 | Has the Entity or Development Team member(s) been cooperative with KHC compliance and/or asset management requirements? | |
| a. | Failure to respond to KHC requests for monitoring reviews and/or rescheduling of review more than 2 times. | -2 |
| b. | Removing of pledged amenity without prior approval from KHC. | -2 |
| c. | Repeated failure to respond to requests for information and/or submission of incorrect information. Examples include quarterly and annual financials, Annual Performance Reports, compliance documentation, etc. | -1 |
| d. | Multiple occurrences of 30 days or more delinquent on active KHC affordable housing loans. This included escrow payments and late fees. | -2 |
| e. | Not keeping TDCS updated, including property contact information. Substantial events, such as move-ins, move-outs or recertifications should be entered within 30 days of the event. | -2 |
| f. | Failure to notify KHC of sale of property or replacement of general or limited partner for multifamily properties. | -2 |
3 | Has the Entity or Development Team member(s) demonstrated a continual pattern of project management issues during the administration of KHC affordable housing projects or programs? | |
| a. | Delays in the progression of program/project throughout the administration and development stages, including late submission of documents. | -1 |
| b. | Project not placed in service/closed out by the applicable deadline. | -2 |
| c. | Draw request submission being returned due to insufficient paperwork or other errors. | -1 |
| d. | Unauthorized changes to program design, development team members, or budgets after final approval. | -2 |
| e. | Late submission of technical submission items or legal documentation. | -1 |
| f. | Changes in LURA, agreements, or legal documents not consistent with final approved underwriting/budgets, without prior approval from KHC. | -2 |
| g. | Loan and/or equity closing without KHC approval. (Multifamily Projects Only) | -2 |
| h. | Multiple instances of incurring of fees for waivers, deadline extensions, swap of Housing Credits, late submissions, 8609 reissuances, reinspection, etc. (Multifamily Projects Only) | -2
| i. | Exercising the cure period on multiple applications in the same funding round, or on 1 or more applications in consecutive funding rounds. | -2
| j. | Failure to comply with cross-cutting federal regulations, as applicable. | -2 |
4 | Has the Entity or Development Team member (s) returned funds or had funds recaptured as a result of inadequate program administration or compliance finding(s)? | -2 |
5 | Has the Entity or Development Team member(s) returned or had recaptured funds that resulted in a significant loss or penalty to KHC? | -2 |