​​​​​​​Fair Housing in Kentucky
Kentucky Housing Corporation is committed to providing affordable housing to all residents and ensuring they have access to equal housing opportunities regardless of their race, color, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation or familial status.
​​Fraud Policy
To protect its employees, partners, clients and associates, KHC works to prevent fraud and corruption in all of its dealings. Learn more about what constitutes fraud and how to identify and report it.
​​​​​Privacy Policy
​As the state housing finance agency, KHC is committed to protecting the personal identification information of all of our customers and clients. See how we use your information.
​​​​​Social Media Policy
Like any modern business, KHC markets its products and services through social media. It also communicates with and informs its audiences through these vehicles. By eng​​​aging with KHC on social media, you are agreeing to abide by this policy.
​​​​​Suspension and Debarment Policy
​To ensure all of the partners who administer federal and state housing programs in connection with KHC comply with program guidelines and operate in an honest and ethical manner, KHC has adopted the Suspension and Debarment Policy.
​​​​​Open Records Request
Learn how to request information or documentation from KHC​.

Stay Connected:

© Kentucky Housing Corporation
For more information, please contact:

Kentucky Housing Corporation
1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601
502-564-7630; 800-633-8896 (KY only); TTY 711
Equal Housing Provider