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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Current Housing Needs Report Numbers​​Future Housing Needs Report Numbers

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC), with the help of Bowen National Research, is conducting the Kentucky Housing Supply Gap Analysis, a comprehensive survey of the state's current and future housing supply, to provide housing providers, developers, local leaders, and nonprofit organizations a better understanding of the state of the housing market.​​

Key Objectives

  • Inventory current and future housing supply shortages for Kentucky's 120 counties.​
  • Identify strategies to increase the Commonwealth'​s supply of housing.
  • Engage and empower partners in pursuing solutions.​​​

Important Dates


Housing Supply Gap Assessment - Phase 1

Inventory of current housing supply shortages statewide and in each of Kentucky’s 120 counties.


Housing Supply 5-Year Projection

Inventory of project housing supply shortages in 5-year projection (2029).

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Stakeholder Engagement

Identification of strategies to increase the supply of needed housing.

AUGUST 21-23

KAHC Conference

Preview of Phase 2 during the Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference, at the Kentucky International ​Convention Center in Louisville.

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Housing Supply Gap Assessment - Phase 2

Projection of future housing supply shortages statewide and in each of Kentucky’s 120 counties.

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© Kentucky Housing Corporation
For more information, please contact:

Kentucky Housing Corporation
1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601
502-564-7630; 800-633-8896 (KY only); TTY 711
Equal Housing Provider