We are no longer accepting sponsorships or exhibitors for KAHC23. If you are still interested in attending without being a sponsor, please
register online. Discounted registration ends
Friday, August 11, 2023.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) is soliciting sponsors for the annual
Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference (KAHC) for 2023. The KAHC is a collaborative conference, hosted by KHC, addressing the many facets of affordable housing in the Commonwealth—homeownership lending, single-family development, multifamily development, housing counseling, real estate management, energy efficiency, homelessness needs, and housing for special populations. We believe that collaboration in affordable housing, healthcare, education, and the workforce is essential for families and communities to thrive. We thank our sponsors for their essential role in helping to provide this conference.
KHC is the state housing finance agency and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Created by the General Assembly in 1972, KHC’s mission is to invest in quality housing solutions for families and communities across Kentucky.
Services Requested
KHC is seeking potential sponsors for a sponsorship opportunity and to support affordable housing in Kentucky.
We invite you to become a sponsor of
KAHC23, Rising to the Challenge: Building a Stronger Kentucky which will be held:
Thursday and Friday, August 24-25, 2023,
Central Bank Center in Lexington, Kentucky
This annual event provides an excellent opportunity for your organization to demonstrate its support of affordable housing in Kentucky and to market your products or services.
For more details, please review the full KAHC 2023 Sponsorship Opportunities Packet.
Questions Regarding Sponsorship
Any questions posed by sponsors prior to the response deadline must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to:
Kentucky Housing Corporation
1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601
Subject line to read: KAHC23 Sponsorship Application
The Sponsorship Officer will determine whether the response could have a material effect on the sponsor's application. If so, both the question and response will be posted on KHC's website for all potential sponsors to view. If not, the response will be made only to the questioner. In either case, the file will be documented to reflect the result.
Sponsorship Submissions
Sponsorship Opportunities Packets must be submitted electronically, via the form at https://form.jotform.com/222864140483152, no later than the time indicated below. You must complete the Sponsor Opportunites, Self-Reporting, and the Organization Description sections of the digital form in your submission.
Forms must be summitted no later than
5 p.m. ET Tuesday, August 8, 2023.
Sponsorship Submissions received after the stated deadline will NOT be accepted or reviewed for selection, unless respondent can provide evidence that the cause of the delay was beyond respondent’s control. The Sponsorship Officer will make a final determination as to whether to consider the sponsorship for this round.
If you would like to only exhibit at #KAHC23, please fill out the Exhibitors-Only registration and follow the instructions there.